Why Are My Gums Sore?

A lot of us have the idea that oral care is mainly focused on how we take care of our teeth. We brush and floss daily to prevent plaque and cavities from damaging our teeth.  We also have to consider that our gums as a vital part of our mouth too and should be focused on just as much as our teeth.

Sore or bleeding gums can be uncomfortable and painful and may indicate symptoms of gum disease. Although sore and bleeding gums can be characteristics caused by a lot of other medical issues. If you are experiencing sore gums right now, there are several means to alleviate any pain or discomfort you are experiencing.

Improper Brushing and Flossing  

We are likely to think that the harder we brush our teeth, the better our oral hygiene. However, this is not the case, as doing so might be doing more harm than good. A hard, rough brushing motion can irritate or injure the gums, and a toothbrush with hard bristles can further irritate the area.

The correct motion for brushing our teeth should be circular. It should be a gentle brush so that aside from cleaning your teeth, you are also massaging the gums along with it. You also need to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging your gums. Hard bristles not only damage the gums but might also scrape off the enamel on your teeth over time, due to their abrasive nature.

When you floss, make sure that you aren’t forcing it between your teeth. By doing so, you might irritate or injure your gums. When you floss, gently slide it through the curve of each tooth.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is another reason why your gums are sore. Periodontal disease involves the same bacteria that affects the teeth to also infect the gums, making them sore, swollen, and can cause bleeding. The initial stage of gum disease is gingivitis, which is manifested by bleeding gums. Although it is not painful initially, if left untreated, it will eventually lead to a worse type of gum disease.

If you notice your gums are receding, you feel loose teeth, your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, or a lingering bad taste in the mouth, chances are you have gum disease and must go to a dental clinic in La Crete to seek treatment.

If you don’t treat gum disease, the infection can worsen and spread from your gums to your jawbone. Aside from causing discomfort and pain, it can also lead to tooth loss and infection spread to other parts of the body.

Canker Sores

There are no conclusive studies about the cause of canker sores. However, what is certain is that having one can be a rather painful experience. Canker sores can appear anywhere in the mouth including the gums. Also called mouth ulcers, these sores have a white center and red edges, and might appear as just one or several sores at a time. The good thing is that they are not contagious. The pain and discomfort can be alleviated by medical ointments.


One of the side effects of chemotherapy is swollen gums. It can also be accompanied by pain and bleeding. Stomatitis is one of the conditions suffered by patients undergoing chemotherapy. It is the cause of the painful sores that appear all over the mouth.


It is widely known that having a smoking habit is detrimental to a person’s health. However, smoking tobacco products is especially harmful to the mouth. Aside from staining the teeth, it also causes sensitive gums. The use of tobacco also increases the chance of developing gum disease and sores.


Women undergo hormonal changes during different periods of their life. During puberty, there is a high volume of hormones that causes several conditions, including increased blood flow to some parts of the body, such as the gums, which makes them swell and become sensitive. During menstrual gingivitis, changes in hormones cause gums to swell and bleed before menstruation. The symptoms stop as the period begins. Pregnancy gingivitis also causes the same symptoms, starting in the third month and ending in the eighth month.

How to Prevent Sore Gums

Regular oral hygiene is important. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day not only minimizes the risk of sore gums but also keeps the mouth clean and healthy. Make sure to use soft brush strokes to avoid irritating the gums. If you are not sure you are doing it right, ask a dentist in La Crete to show you.

Aside from brushing, regular flossing also helps in keeping your gums healthy and sore-free. Antiseptic mouthwash kills bacteria and keeps the teeth and gums from infection. Follow it through with a healthy diet that includes high vitamin C and calcium content for healthy teeth and gums.