What Everyone Need To Know About Teeth Whitening

Looking to achieve a brighter and beautiful smile? The following are important facts about teeth whitening:

Your teeth are absorbent

Did you know that your skin isn’t the only thing that has pores? The pores of your teeth, soak up the color of the foods and beverages you consume, such as wine, coffee, and berries. With time, this changes the natural color of your teeth causing them to darken. It is impossible for these stains to vanish without actively removing them. Your dentist in La Crete will use a teeth whitening gel to absorb the stains and penetrate them through the pores.

La Crête teeth whitening treatment won’t damage your teeth

Don’t let fear prevent you from achieving the smile you desire. Professional teeth whitening is extremely safe. After your dentist performs this procedure, your teeth will remineralize and rehydrate on their own.

Teeth whitening is all about the delivery

Over-the-counter products found at your local drugstore will typically all share the same ingredients. However, the issue here is not the ingredients, rather it is the device used to apply the whitening agent on the teeth. A custom-fitted whitening tray designed at your La Crete dental clinic will ensure your teeth are evenly whitened. Boil & bit trays, whitening strips, and UV lights can’t provide the same consistent results that a custom-fitted whitening tray can.

It is normal to experience sensitivity after La Crete teeth whitening treatment

Did you know the over 60% of the population has naturally sensitive teeth? This is due to genetics, thin enamel or tooth damage. When you visit your La Crete dentist for teeth whitening, it is perfectly normal to experience sensitivity after the procedure. This will subside within 12-36 hours and your dentist will likely suggest a post-whitening fluoride treatment to help.

Your tooth stains can’t be removed overnight

It is impossible to whiten your teeth within a few minutes using over-the-counter products. If this were the case, your La Crete dentist wouldn’t design custom-fitted whitening trays to brighten your teeth.

It is important to be realistic when it comes to at-home whitening, as it can take a few days or months to reach your desired goals. Your tooth stains took years to develop, which means they can’t disappear immediately. However, once you achieve your desired results, they require very little effort to maintain.

You can’t whiten your caps or veneers

When your La Crête dentist creates your caps or veneers, they are designed to blend with the color of your natural teeth. Whether the caps or veneers are made into a darker or lighter shade, the color can never be altered afterward. The good news is, your caps or veneers will never stain. Note, La Crete teeth whitening treatment will not damage dental work.

The best time to whiten your teeth is before bed

Your teeth are more susceptible to stains after whitening, this is because the pores are more open than usual and can absorb stains easier. Your La Crete dentist will recommend whitening before you sleep as this prevents staining and gives your teeth the opportunity to rehydrate and remineralize.

Your teeth might not be perfectly white

Don’t compare the color of your smile to your friends or family members. The natural color of your teeth is determined at birth which means you have no control over it. Teeth whitening services at your La Crete dental clinic will remove unwanted stains and will brighten your smile as much as possible.