What Are the Advantages of Lingual Braces?

Have you decided it is time to seek orthodontic treatment? Congratulations! You are taking the step to a healthier mouth, and a healthier you. Orthodontic treatment has numerous benefits that you can reap no matter how old or young you are. However, you may be a little overwhelmed by all your options. After all, traditional braces are not your only choice anymore. Invisalign, ceramic braces, clear braces, and lingual braces are some of your many options. But when it comes to straightening your teeth and fixing dental alignment, each option will have pros and cons. Today, we will be specifically discussing lingual braces in La Crête as well as their advantages. You will learn what this orthodontic treatment entails and how it will change the quality of your life. We hope you are excited about this orthodontic option as much as we are.

Firstly, you are probably asking, “What are lingual braces? Well news flash, you are not the only one who does not know. Yes, you most likely know what Invisalign is or ceramic braces, but the term lingual may sound less familiar. This word simply means tongue. When you have lingual braces in La Crête, they will work similarly to traditional metal braces, however, there is one main distinction. Lingual braces are affixed to the back surfaces of your teeth and face your tongue. This means, they are virtually invisible and others will not notice them upon first glance. Lingual braces allow you to align your teeth just as effectively as traditional braces would. Do not worry, there is no hidden disadvantage here. The treatment time for lingual braces in La Crête is relatively the same in length as the treatment time for traditional metal braces. With that said, it is important to note that the duration of your treatment will always depend on your needs.

Advantages of Wearing Lingual Braces

Discretion: This is arguably the most obvious advantage of wearing lingual braces. As mentioned early, lingual braces are fixed behind your teeth, meaning they are not visible. Unless someone is analyzing you while you speak, they will never know that your mouth houses braces.

Effectiveness: Other than the fact that they are entirely undetectable, lingual braces in La Crête are just as effective as clear aligners. This is especially the case when it comes to complex movements of the teeth that cannot be completed with Invisalign. Lingual braces are efficient at correcting rotations, closing gaps or altering the length of your teeth.

Decalcification Prevention: When you wear traditional braces, there is always a possibility of decalcification, especially when you have poor oral hygiene. If any white spots or discolouration does form, it will be on the inside of your teeth where nobody will notice rather than on the outside.

Fixed: Although there are many advantages to being able to remove your appliance at any time, there are also disadvantages. When you wear lingual braces, they will remain on your teeth until your treatment is completed. Never will you have to take your appliance out of your mouth to eat or clean your teeth. Also, you will not need to receive new trays every few weeks. When you wear this fixed orthodontic appliance, it will be working away at all times, including when you eat!

Taking Care of Lingual Braces

If you have lingual braces in La Crête, then you will need to place an emphasis on good oral hygiene. You must ensure you are cleaning your teeth regularly and properly to prevent gingivitis or tooth decay from creeping up.

Your oral hygiene regimen should include the following steps:

1. Brushing- You should be brushing your teeth twice daily. Ideally, this should be done once in the morning and once at night. You should ensure you are brushing for at least two minutes per day. You should use a toothbrush with soft and round bristles, this will allow you to brush your teeth and gum line without being too abrasive.

2. Flossing- You should be brushing your teeth daily. To floss, you can use a floss threader or an interproximal brush to eliminate plaque and food residue between your teeth.

3. Rinsing– Rinse your teeth with a fluoride rinse to strengthen them.

If you are interested in lingual braces, schedule a consultation with your dentist in La Crête. They will perform a precise examination to determine if you qualify for treatment.