Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implants

Whatever your reason for getting dental implants in La Crete is, just know that you are doing the right thing. Dental implants are one of the great wonders of modern dentistry. They revolutionized the dental replacement field, providing a durable solution to a permanent problem while solving issues that used to arise with other types of restorations. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about dental implants near you.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants replace missing teeth and their roots. They consist of a screw that is inserted into the jawbone, and a crown, which serves as the artificial tooth. Between the two, there is an abutment, which keeps everything securely in place. The crowns are made of titanium, which makes them incredibly durable. With proper care, dental implants in La Crete can last a lifetime.

How is the procedure performed?

Normally, the procedure is done in two sessions. In the first one, the screw is placed into the jawbone. The screw needs some time to blend into the bone and remain securely in place. This can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. In the second session, the crowns are placed and the patient can continue with their regular life. It is important to check with a dental clinic in La Crete if they offer “Immediate implants”. These offer the possibility to place both the screw and the crown in the same session.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

When compared to other types of dental replacements, dental implants are superior. First of all, they function just like a normal tooth. When you bite on your food, the implants find their support in the actual jawbone and not on the teeth surrounding them. Also, they will allow you to chew your food normally, which is not possible when you are missing teeth. Furthermore, lips or speech issues caused by missing teeth will be gone once you obtain dental implants near you.

Another very important benefit of dental implants is the influence they have on the underlying tissues. Normally, when a tooth falls out, the gums and underlying tissues that supported it start to shrink as soon as it happens. This includes the jawbone. If you visit a dentist in La Crete for dental implants, this process will stop and can even be reverted. Dental implants stimulate bone growth in the jawbone.

You can’t forget about your self-esteem and confidence. Having your teeth restored will allow you to smile without feeling self-conscious again, and this will have a positive effect on many aspects of your life, such as your work, your social life, and even your love life.

Do they require any special care?

The truth is they don’t require anything other than your regular oral health habits. You should be brushing your teeth with a soft-bristle toothbrush after every meal, and flossing every day. Some dentists recommend using an interdental toothbrush to get into hard to reach areas or even oral irrigators, but it is not completely necessary. Also, remember to schedule regular checkups with your dentist to ensure that everything looks fine. As previously stated, dental implants are durable and can last a lifetime.

Are there any risks with dental implants?

Like any other dental procedure, there are some risks such as infection of the implant site, injury to the surrounding structures, such as other teeth or blood vessels, and even nerve damage, which can result in numbness and pain. However, seeking treatment with a licensed dentist will ensure that you receive the best care, with all the safety measures necessary to avoid any of these complications.