6 Signs You Need a Deep Dental Cleaning

It can be easy for people to avoid visiting the dentist for routine procedures such as a professional checkup and teeth cleaning in La Crete. While many people believe that teeth cleanings are optional, they are vital to maintaining your oral health and preventing you from getting severe dental problems down the line.

What Happens at a Dental Cleaning?

When you visit Twilight Dental Center for a teeth cleaning near you, our dentist will:

• Remove unwanted stains and give you a more radiant smile
• Detect early signs of oral cancer
• Detect early signs of gum disease
• Lower your risk of tooth decay, tooth loss, and gum disease

If you don’t brush your teeth properly, floss diligently, or have a genetic predisposition to gum disease, and fail to attend regular dental cleanings, you may begin to show signs of periodontal disease such as red, inflamed, and tender gums.

What is a Deep Teeth Cleaning?

A dentist near you performs a deep teeth cleaning to clean between your gums and teeth, all the way down to their roots. Similar to a regular teeth cleaning, your dentist will clean your gum line and teeth, but during a deep cleaning, they will continue to remove a buildup of plaque and tartar below the gum line to the root of the tooth.

The main difference between a regular teeth cleaning and a deep cleaning is that a deep cleaning is much more extensive than standard dental cleanings and is designed to stop the progression of gum disease. The goal of a deep cleaning is to:

• Lower your risk of developing serious health issues such as heart disease
• Enhance your overall health
• Boost your confidence
• Prevent tooth loss

Deep dental cleanings are also referred to as root planing and scaling, and you may have to visit our dental clinic in La Crete several times before the procedure is complete.

6 Signs You Require a Deep Teeth Cleaning

Since periodontal disease does not always come with visible symptoms, it can be challenging to detect on your own. When you prioritize visiting Twilight Dental Center for regular checkups, our dentist will check your gums to decide if a deep cleaning is necessary.

Here are six warning signs that you may need a deep dental cleaning:

• Red or bleeding gums
• Gums pulling away from teeth (gum recession)
• Persistent bad breath or halitosis
• An unpleasant taste in your mouth
• Tender and inflamed gums

You may also notice pus in your gums or that your teeth feel loose. If you notice tenderness in your gums when you brush or chew, you may have some early signs of gum disease that should be addressed with a deep dental cleaning before they progress.

What Are the Benefits of Deep Dental Cleanings?

Deep dental cleanings are most often offered to patients with signs of periodontal disease; however, you don’t have to have gum disease to take advantage of this treatment. Some patients choose to get a deep dental cleaning once a year to maintain optimal oral health.

Some benefits of choosing to get deep dental cleanings include:

• Lowering your risk of developing gum disease
• Lowering your risk of tooth loss
• Preventing the need for costlier treatments in the future

Interested in Deep Dental Cleanings?

At Twilight Dental Center, we are proud to offer deep dental cleanings to our patients as an effective method of maintaining their oral health and treating gum disease. If you are interested in this treatment and would like to learn more, please contact our clinic to book a consultation today.